Dienstag, 5. April 2016


"The finger on the IDF trigger is an immoral finger, and when it fires, the shooting is manifestly immoral. In short: The heart wants to believe that we are still merciful, and don’t do to others what was hateful to us. But the reality attests that that is not the Jewish political teaching of our time. And the conclusion: The IDF is not the most moral army in the world, and by definition cannot be. Some of its soldiers still are, and fortunately we still have the other half of the nation, which ensures that the IDF is 'the most semi-moral army in the world.'"
Ein israelischer Soldat hat einen verletzten palästinensischen Attentäter per gezieltem Kopfschuss getötet - und damit in Israel eine Kontroverse ausgelöst. Gedanken über "die moralischste Armee der Welt" von Avraham Burg (Haaretz, 5. April)

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