Donnerstag, 5. März 2015


"For everyone who opposes the occupation and supports civic equality, the question is whether there's a reason to vote for the Joint List of Arab parties. Are Israelis — and does it matter if they’re of Jewish, Muslim or Christian origin? — who are not communists, do not believe in Allah and are not Palestinians with nationalist positions supposed to vote for this party? Of course, politically there is no reason to exaggerate the benefit that will accrue from supporting the Joint List, even if it’s clear its leaders will support every serious step toward diplomatic negotiations. I’m also sure that after the election its leaders will disappoint its voters, as every normal party has done. But symbolically, a vote for this party could be a decisive event in Israel’s short history."
Der emeritierte Historiker Shlomo Sand zur Frage, warum Israelis für die Vereinte arabische Liste stimmen sollten (Haaretz, 5. März)

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