Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

Gutes Beispiel

"The opening of the Rafah crossing is above all an important humanitarian gesture. As such, Israel should follow suit and open the crossings from the West Bank to Israel. The return of normal life to Gaza might encourage its citizens to put the brakes on terror. More importantly, the opening of the crossing will clearly show that Israel has decided to disengage from Gaza and abandon its all-but-direct occupation. But even without these strategic calculations, it's the human aspect that should guide the Israeli government.
Following Rafah, Israel should open West Bank crossings The return of normal life to Gaza might encourage its citizens to put the brakes on terror. More importantly, the opening of the crossing will clearly show that Israel has decided to disengage from Gaza and abandon its all-but-direct occupation."
Die Tageszeitung Haaretz in ihrem Editorial (29. Mai) zur Öffnung der Grenze zwischen dem Gazastreifen und Ägypten

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