Sonntag, 25. September 2011

Rescue us from ourselves

"Lord of the second chance and the third, we all of us, our people and the Palestinians who are our cousins and neighbors, we are undone and unmoving at the intersection of our grief and our guilt and our instinct for blame. We are undone by frustration. We are undone by politics and by bad politicians. We are undone for seeing the lies of others for what they are, but not our own. We are undone by our belief that we and only we see clearly (…) Avinu Malkeinu: Show us kindness. We talk big, but we are, all of us, small and fallible and wounded. Teach us finally to grow tired of our own lies. Teach us to finish what we start. This year, in Jerusalem, show us what a New Year actually looks like. Avinu Malkeinu, hoshiyeinu. Rescue us from ourselves."
Bradley Burston in seinem Blog-Eintrag zum bevorstehenden Neujahrsfest (25. September)

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